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iPhone being a close system does no good for the app developers aswell , as every app provides Beta programs and users of Android join that to enjoy features not rolled out for the rest of the word , but unfortunately there is no straight forward way for iPhone. You may follow these steps to install WhatsApp Beta on your iPhone :

  1. Uninstall WhatsApp on your iPhone, if you have it. Make sure you backup your WhatsApp data before you proceed, otherwise you will end up losing it completely. (BACKUP)
  2. Connect your iPhone to a PC / Mac – and launch iTunes.
  3. Make sure you tell the phone to the trust the computer, when and if prompted.
  4. Your phone should appear in iTunes, and then quit iTunes. Keep your iPhone plugged in.
  5. Get WhatsApp beta for IPhone from this link.
  6. Download and Run Cydia Impactor.
    Cydia Impacter
  7. Drag the WhatsApp IPA file from step 5 to the Cydia Impactor window.
  8. You will be asked to enter an Apple ID followed by the password. Use your existing one, or create a new one. I would suggest you to create a new one , just to be on safe side
  9. Cydia Impactor will then install WhatsApp Beta on your iPhone.
  10. If you try to launch the WhatsApp app beta on your phone straightaway you will get an error.
  11. Fix the error, by going to your iPhone's Settings > General > Device Management.
  12. Tap 'Trust <your_Apple_ID>' where your_Apple_ID will be the account you used in step 8.
  13. Go back and launch WhatsApp.
Enjoy Beta Features of WhatsApp on Iphone :)
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Thanks but no thanks
Iphone is the best!
Ofcourse it is , thats why Android users can install beta in 2 steps
who wants whatsapp beta anyway!
(P.S. get me an iphone buyer plz so i can get android :p)
Lol .. which model you have ? I might have a crazy person looking for one .. you may select the answer as "Select Answer" so its marked solved
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