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When Was Calibri Font released and when it was made available for general usage in Microsoft Office , kindly share authentic sources as it has become a huge issue as its implying corruption charges on a political party in my country
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1 Answer

Best answer

I'll be very quick and to the point

Calibri Font Creation

Calibri Font was created in year 2004 , but it was not shipped in any Microsoft Product till the year 2007.

Calibri - Version

The first version of Calibri was 0.90 it was created in 2004 but shipped with Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Office 2007

Authentic Official Sources 

If someone shows you an image and not give you a link to the source do not go for it .. the same goes for WikiPedia , if you open Calibri Wikiepedia and view its Revisions you will see so many edits that the page is now locked, some changing the creating date to 2006,2005 and 2004. I will be using Microsoft Official Website as reference here (Authentic Enough ?)

Microsoft Typography

Open Calibri - Microsoft Typography  altough version 0.90 was created in 2004 , scroll down and see which Microsoft Products supported this font type, and the earliest is Windows Vista and Microsoft Office 2007 .

Microsoft Office Support of Calibri Font

Here I will again use an article from Microsoft Official Website which is about : Fonts that ship with different versions of Office , if you open this link and search for calibri you will not be able to find it in Microsoft Office 2003 , rather it is available in Microsoft Office 2007 
So its very simple and clear to say that Calibri Font was available for general public not before year 2007. All those who talk about Beta and Alpha releases please first ask them to share a source which quotes : the exact Beta version with which this font was released ...
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