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Hey, Can you please help me upgrade my PC to best performance in very tight budget?

I've almost $150 and want to upgrade my PC. 
Current specs are:

Intel Core i5 CPU 650
Ram 4 GB
& Windows Experience Index is 1.0

Computer is currently too slow and take hours to boot, open files and it hangs with just a few tabs in chrome.

I would like to upgrade to MAX in the budget mentioned earlier. 

A friend of mine told me to get an SSD, Does that really helps? If yes, What do you suggest me on that?

It is an HP computer which I don't think will make any difference? 

I personally think upgrading RAM and getting an SSD will solve the issue. My work is mostly on the internet and I do keep surfing tens of tabs at a time which really eats up the ram. 


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1 Answer

Best answer

Before we go ahead, I would require bit of more info

  • Your processor is 3.20 GHz ?
    • can be checked in System 
  • Which Ram Type you have ?
    • Performance > Memory side tab. Check the upper-right side of the Task Manager window to see the type of RAM installed on your computer. RAM types  include DDR SDRAM, DDR2 SDRAM and DDR3 SDRAM.
  • Motherboard details ? 
    • You can view the manufacturer and model number in your Windows system using the System Information utility. On the Windows Desktop screen, press Windows key + X to open the Power User Task menu. In the Run text field, type msinfo32 and press Enter
Alright, so you have provided your system specs, Let see the maximum you can do with the minimum expenditure
  • RAM - Your motherboard has 4 slots and can support a maximum of 16GB so you can get 4 DDR3 1333 Mhz Ram that will give you maximum available RAM for your machine
  • Storage - SSD will be a great addition , combined with your old HDD to be used as storage and SSD for your operating system and you will not get all the lag you are mentioning. BUT your current motherboard has a SATA II support although your SSD will work fine but not to the BEST of its ability.
  • Price - The above two additions should max you in your budget but do get a decent SSD and RAM . 
Hope it helps
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Processor: 3.20 Ghz
Ram Type: DDR3
Motherboard: Hewlett-Packard, 304Ah, MXL1211D6J
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