After trying to search in OneSignal Documents / online and not finding any answer , I am here to seek support
- Have setup OneSignal on Wordpress using the Plugin and it all seemed to work.
- But recently 2-3 weeks or so i was not getting any notification on my own device (pc / android) while having around 21.1k subscribers
- Earlier I thought it was my own device so I asked 2 friends to subscribe , one did on a PC while another on android , and they didn't get any push notification when the article was submitted
- I add my Player ID as test and sent a test notification I didn't get that either while the dashboard showed 100% delivery
- My posts which i publish on blog do end up on the Delivery along with saying 100% , but I am certain they are not being delivered
I have set the APIs and as i said notifications worked in past and even today blog post is being shown in delivery with 100% rate ,thus there is something off thus I seek your help
I just need guidance to get One Signal Push Notifications Fixed